Since 2010, we have been providing exceptional Hajj and Umrah services to our valued clients. Join us for a stress-free and spiritual experience.
Mecca - Makkah Alite Hotel, Jawharathul Mislah
Medina - Diarul madeena Silver Hotel
Free 30kg Suitcase
Premium Economy Seat
3 Time Meals
Price: Rs 295,000
Mecca - Makkah Alite Hotel, Jawharathul Mislah
Medina - Diarul madeena Silver Hotel
Free 30kg Suitcase
Premium Economy Seat
3 Time Meals
Price: Rs 360,000
Mecca - Makkah Alite Hotel, Jawharathul Mislah
Medina - Diarul madeena Silver Hotel
Free 30kg Suitcase
Premium Economy Seat
3 Time Meals
Price: Rs 2.6 Million
Customer Satisfaction
Umrah Pilgrims
Years of Experience
Founder & CEO
No-256/1, Beach Road, New Kattankudy-06, Sri Lanka
0652051622, 0773972794,
Working Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm